Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Kepada Engineer yg kata Lynas safe u juz said bullshit things..

stupid engineer.. u've been paid by those stupid and mata duitan ministers yg x kisah kan rakyat sendiri thts y u said nice thing about Lynas.. while the actual fact that Lynas is dangerous.. nak compare ngn rokok?? c'mon la bandingkan ngn kilang and sebatang rokok, radiation kilang lagi byk la bodo.. mmg la radiation dier not so strong but in a long term this can cause lots of casualty.. kalo betol la Lynas tu bagus y rakyat Australia sendiri x nak Lynas dirikan kilang diorg kat negara diorg.. sbb benda bagus mesti sumer org nak.. ni diorg reject lagi ader.. korang tau x Lynas tu if they operate in malaysia the didnt have to pay tax for 12 years?? n u know wht it means?? It means korg kasi diorg buang sisa radiasi kat negara kita free2.. pastu yg kena dapat negetive effect drpd radiasi tu korang sendiri.. bler korang sakit diorg nak tolong?? jgn harap la.. diorg buat x dgr jer.. so c'mon la if u love ur country, ur people pls la get those dangerous thing away from our people.. engineer yg baru jer ckp kat tv3 konon Lynas tu x bahaya.. i know u juz said Bullshit things cuz u've been paid.. hah!!

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